inwardly we are being renewed day by day" 2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV
This bible verse shows us that we cannot escape from our bodies wasting away in other words we are all dying and it is noticable in our faces and bodies. Some people use creams or have procedures done to prevent their outward appearance from showing signs of aging. Some may embrace their aging features and stay focused on their inner self more. here is no doubt that the media focus more on looks so it has an effect on all of us. God tells us to focus on the impoertant things in life AND that he makes us new each and every day. We may not be able to stop thee process of dying on the outside but we sure can stop the processes of dying on the inside. So when you have had a bad day you made some poor choices... God makes us new EVERYDAY! So start forgiving yourself because the Lord already has and LIVE!