inwardly we are being renewed day by day" 2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV
This bible verse shows us that we cannot escape from our bodies wasting away in other words we are all dying and it is noticable in our faces and bodies. Some people use creams or have procedures done to prevent their outward appearance from showing signs of aging. Some may embrace their aging features and stay focused on their inner self more. here is no doubt that the media focus more on looks so it has an effect on all of us. God tells us to focus on the impoertant things in life AND that he makes us new each and every day. We may not be able to stop thee process of dying on the outside but we sure can stop the processes of dying on the inside. So when you have had a bad day you made some poor choices... God makes us new EVERYDAY! So start forgiving yourself because the Lord already has and LIVE!

Thank God we can be renewed in his presence!
Great post! I would like to invite you to come follow me.
Hi Its really good to be here, nice post, edifying and encouraging ones, i am following
keep writing, i am following hope you make some time to drop in to my blog.
Hi...your posts are very good. I can relate to much of what you say. I am so thankful that everyday we get a new 24 to try again!! I am following you and would like to ask you to come on over and visit my blog and follow me.
Hi I made a second visit here, yes, I fully agree with you, the outward appearances this world look into, but God look into the inward. Great thought, Let us make an effort to focus on the important things in life, yes for sure, with His help and guidance we can make it AND that he makes us new each and every day. May God Help us to renew our strength in Him.
Thanks for the follow too.
Best regards,
There is nothing we can do about our external waste however we don't have to be wasted internally as you stated. There is so much freedom knowning that every morning is a new day. Unfortunately, some cultures downplay aging and everyone runs away from it. The most important as you said is our internal being because if inside of us is well, this will affect the external of us. I hope it makes sense.
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