Sunday, November 6, 2011

Trusting in Him

Well here I am pondering on another scripture dear to my heart. Tonight it is:

"Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid." Isaiah 12:2

Seems pretty simple we go to church, trust in God, and pray before bed... That sounds all so normal and average among ourselves and our Christian friends, but it is not the answer or what is going to lead us to a life of freedom. Some people just figure if they just say they trust in God then obviously they are trusting in God, but that is not the deal. Just because you say you are going outside and you have your shoes on, does NOT mean you are going outside. You actually have to get up and walk with your two feet and go outside. So must of us have our Bibles and say we trust in God and then we never actually move. WHY? Well because you are not actually trusting in God! That's why.

When you fell and got a "boo boo" you may have called for your mom and she would come running to bandage you up. God just wants us to call on Him and actually mean it! He doesn't want you to say, "God please help me, my husband has disappointed me so many times I need to divorce him and I just need You Lord to make this easy". Well guess what mistake number 1 was to get a divorce as the easy way out, mistake number 2 was to ask God for help and not really want help because you just told Him what you wanted Him to do for you. If you really wanted God's help you don't tell Him what to do to make things easy on you, ASK for His guidance. Think about that one, we need to ASK for His guidance and seek His wisdom to fill us so we make the right decisions and choices according to His word. God is not going to tell you what you want to hear and that is why we do not trust in God, we pray for things we want or think we need and then move in the direction WE want. 

See God doesn't want you to pray selfishly, He wants you to think according to HIS Word! There is the A-HA moment I had when I realized this and this is what I said to myself, "Wait, have I honestly been so selfish to ask God for what I want or think I need and then just move in the direction I want to go? Okay wait seriously....I tell God what I want then move in the direction to get it?! YES that's exactly what I I even giving God a chance to answer or work in my life?!" 

That is the dialogue that actually happened in my head, and then I immediately apologized for my selfish ways. We need to trust in God, that our Father, our Papa knows best for us. We need to pray for wisdom and guidance instead of asking Him to give us this or that. Saying please God I need this job is great, but in God's plan that job is not where you need to be. Yes, you may be in need of a job and money, but you are not even trusting in God to provide and open up the opportunity that you are meant to be in. Trust in Him, seek His wisdom, ask for His guidance, and listen! Do not just move towards the answers you want from your prayers, wait on His path to open up for you...

Let's pray:

"In Jesus name I come to You God and I want to thank You for listening to all of my selfish requests and prayers. Thank You for continuing to listen to me even though I do not listen to You. Lord God You are the perfect Father, yet I have not respected Your Word. I am sorry God and I want to be humbled in your presence, seeking your wisdom, and honoring your word. You are the beginning and the end, therefore everything I do in between is YOURS. Forgive me today God and please let me always seek your guidance and heart before I ever look at my own flesh. Thank You God, in Jesus name, AMEN."

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Holy Spirit Filled my Eyes

"For we live by believing and not by seeing" 2 Corinthians 5:7

This is the verse that was delivered to millions of people's email boxes this morning from Air 1's Verse of the Day email that goes out to subscribers. If you do not already get the verse of the day, please sign up for it on there website, which I will link to at the end of this, because every day that I read the verse it is like God is giving me my morning pep talk. 

You may have read this scripture a thousand times, or heard your Pastor share it when referencing to difference teachings on seeing and believing. Today I saw this scripture in a whole new light and felt the Holy Spirit leading me to share it here for others to "see" what I was just shown in the spirit.

The first part, for we live, meaning we are alive, living, breathing, and brain functioning. That seems simple, for we live...then here comes the tricky part "by believing" and in other versions it can translated to mean by faith. When we believe in something, we put all our being into it and know with every part of ourselves that it IS. For example if you leave your car in the parking lot and you go inside the store and someone asks you, "Do you have a car?" Of course you would say, "Yes" How do you know it is still out there for sure? Well you believe that it is out there because you know that is how you got to the store in the first place, and you have the keys, so you believe without a doubt that it is parked outside right where you left it. With God we see everything around us showing He has put us here, and we have the key which is the Bible so there is no doubt God exists. 

For the last part of this scripture it says, "not by seeing", therefore seeing means sight or vision. The spirit wants us to know within our hearts the Lord is there, God is there, the Bible is there without the sights of this world poisoning our beliefs or faith. This scripture is great to share with people first coming to Christ because a lot of us had the hardest time trying to understand how others could have such strong faith in someone or something they could not physically see. This scripture now has a different meaning for me as I have been on my walk with God. Of course our Daddy, our God wants us to believe in Him even if He is not in physically form, but He also wants our faith to be so strong that to us we have seen God in all forms. We are to believe so strongly that no sights are set on anything in this world and are to only be set on Him and Jesus Christ.

We can pray for this daily:

"God, I come to you through your son Jesus Christ, I want my eyes to be only on you Father. I may live among billions of people, but I want to be the difference in this world, for you God. I have all my faith in You Lord God and only You, therefore my eyes see You for everything You are. My sight is filled with Your greatness, Your holiness, and Your loving vision. I honor You with my eyes everyday Father. Thank You for your forgiveness, greatness, and gifts of vision." AMEN

Air 1 Verse of the Day email sign up: